Efekt energie Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR

Internetová poradna i-EKIS / odpověď

12.1.21 / dotaz č. 122985

I would like to understand if I can apply for multiple subsidies but not filed at once. For my house I want to install a heatpump + solar panel but I am also looking at new triple glass windows and door sand outdoor isolation. These 2 projects I can't finance at once so was wondering if I can execute them in 2021 and 2022 and claim for each activity the subsidy?

Chtěl bych pochopit, zda mohu požádat o více dotací, ale nepodám je najednou. Pro svůj dům chci nainstalovat tepelné čerpadlo + solární panel, ale také se dívám na nová trojitá skleněná okna a venkovní izolaci pískového dveří. Tyto 2 projekty, které nemohu financovat najednou, mě napadlo, jestli je mohu provést v letech 2021 a 2022 a žádat o dotaci na každou činnost?

S pozdravom

Thank you for your inquiry. Currently there is a possibility to apply for subsidy from the “New Green Savings Programme” https://www.novazelenausporam.cz/about-the-new-green-savings-programme/. Eligible are new built or refurbished houses in the territory of Czech Republic. There are several categories of subvention and it is possible to combine them with each other.

1. Installation of solar panels (thermosolar or PV): subvention from 35 000 to 150 000 CZK
2. Installation of heat pump: subvention is possible only in case of replacement of existing electrical heating system
3. Construction (windows replacement, insulation etc..) 20 % energy savings must be declared (10 % in case of preserved buildings)
4. Combined measures (construction and heating system replacement) there is a potential of higher intensity of subvention

Official web site of the Programme: https://www.novazelenausporam.cz/about-the-new-green-savings-programme/

Finally, I would like to draw your attention to the limitations on the duration of the program, by the end of this year at the latest. If a follow-up programme is run (since 2022), the conditions may be different and therefore the above information may not be valid.

We offer you free-of-charge consultation in our office (Michelská 18, Praha 4), where we can discuss concrete possibilities above your project.
Odpovídá:  Ing. Miroslav Šafařík* - EKIS Praha Porsenna tisk